Chess themed Thai dance show at the closing ceremony of the 20th BCC Open

Courtesy of TCEB (Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau), Srisook Dance Theatre performed a beautiful northern Thai dance show with a chess theme.

The Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) continues to shape the business events industry of Thailand with exceptional acumen and effective solutions. With a robust service support system and innovative approaches to co-create distinctive programs for the organisers, TCEB is redefining the MICE landscape to maintain Thailand’s impact as a top Asian business destination.

Established by Royal Decree in 2002, the government agency is tasked with promoting and developing the business tourism sector in Thailand. Since 2004, TCEB has successfully established the country as Asia’s largest business events hub, by providing amenable service support for MICE programs.

Announcing the 20th Bangkok Chess Club Open in October 2022


Dear Friends of Bangkok Chess Club,

We are excited to announce our long-awaited anniversary tournament – 20th Bangkok Chess Club Open – to be held between 22-30 October 2022 at the ‘northern capital of Thailand’ Chiang Mai, at the beautiful, 5-star Shangri-La Chiang Mai Hotel

Chiang Mai is a charming city – you could spend your whole vacation just exploring the famous city center, where the remains of ancient walls encircle over 30 temples, and if you are feeling more adventurous, the nearby mountains are also very beautiful.

Our 20th Anniversary tournament will see some small changes to our earlier format, so please read the tournament regulations carefully:

  • Challenger tournament will be 9 rounds instead of 7 rounds previously;
  • Open tournament is intended for over 1600 FIDE rating only, but lower or unrated players can join with a higher entry fee;
  • Players can choose to take a one round bye with half point awarded (rounds 2-7 only).
Tournament logo

It is great to see that travelling and over-the-board chess are slowly returning to normality. We will follow all health and travel related regulations from the Thai government and local Chiang Mai authorities. You can find updated Thailand entry regulations for foreign arrivals from, or check the entry requirements from the website of the nearest Thai Embassy.

Please book the dates on your calendar!

See you soon in Thailand!

BCC Team

Tournament regulations | Tournament registration form | Entry fees | Registered participants

Tournament is financially supported by FIDE Open Aid Project

20th BCC Open Postponed

Dear Chess Friends,

Due to the evolving dynamics of the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and after much discussion, the 20th Bangkok Chess Club Open will be postponed. The safety and well-being of our club members, chess players and colleagues is of paramount importance. Many players will be travelling internationally, so we are also concerned that there may be disruption in flights and issues with quarantine. 

With this in mind, our plan is to reschedule the tournament for six month’s time, in October 2020, by which time we trust the pandemic will have ended.

For those players that have already paid, you have the option to transfer the registration fee to the rescheduled tournament or receive a full refund.

We will be contact every registered player by email, continue to provide updates as information becomes available, and ask for your understanding at this difficult time. 

And we are looking forward to seeing you in Thailand soon.

Kai Tuorila,
Bangkok Chess Club

2020 BCC Championship

This is an individual tournament and FIDE (International Chess Federation) rules and regulations shall apply.


27.12.19 – 23.02.20 A- and B-Finals
Players will be divided to A and B finals. First priority is given for club’s regular players and after that according their ratings, with max. 10 players in each group. The winner of 2019 B-final will qualify directly to A-Final in 2020.

Time Control & Schedule

Each player is accorded with a time of 90 minutes plus 10 seconds per move. At least 1 round per week should be played in Arbiter controlled environment.

The opponents must be played according paring table rounds order (if that opponent is not available, another available opponent can be played). The players must agree time and place for the games with their opponents directly.

Two signed score sheets must be returned to the Organizer. For A-final Championship t/b games (rapid and blitz) will be played. For other positions t/b is as follows: 1. Game between the players, 2. Sonneborn-Berger.


Games can be played on:

  • Friday evenings at the 2nd floor of O’Shea Irish Pub
  • Big Rook Chess Academy on Saturdays and Sundays
  • Red Knight Chess School on Saturdays (10am), Sundays (2pm)

If players intend to play in other time/location, approval from the supervising Arbiter must be gotten beforehand.

Entrance Fee

The tournament fee for each player is Baht 500. Tournament fee can not be returned.


Winners of A and B finals will get free entry to 20th BCC Open in April. 2nd and 3rd place on both finals will get entry fee returned to them.


All results will be sent for FIDE rating calculations, if at least 4 Fide rated players/group will participate.Registrations: Registrations can be done during BCC club evenings.


Chief Arbiter is IA Panupand Vijjuprabha. Other arbiters will be nominated as necessary.

Group A final

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Pairings table

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