Some of Thailand’s junior talent, including Saru Phitchayarom, Nina Tuorila, Olympiad team member Som Chanida and Poompong Wiwatanadate. I don’t know the girl on the left, does she play chess?
Tag: Thai
Boonsueb wins Chess4Thai Main Event
FM Boonsueb was held to a draw by BCC regular Ron Hoffman in the final round, but won the open tournament with a superior tiebreak. Ron claimed second place, and Gainsfield Chess Academy director, Henry Calacday swept into third place with a revenge match over your writer.
In the other age groups winners were as follows:
- U10: Pinatpong Piepacharakan
- U12: Apichat Lertwiram
- U14: Theemathas Chiranathavat
- U18: Kanan Rugsit
Chess4Thai Annual Club Championship 2011

Date: Saturday 13th, 2011; 07:00-16:00
Venue: Rachavipha Room, 2nd Floor, Chaophya Park Hotel, 247 Rachadapisek Road, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400
(5 minutes from MRT Rachadapisek station)
After preparation and practice in several prior Grand Prix events, all players are now challenged to prove their skills. Chess players of all levels, ages and affiliations are invited to participate in this Chess4thai’s Main Annual Event to ensure high standard, number of participants and quality of games.
Preliminary Details (subject to changes as necessary)
This competition is divided into age categories: Under 10 / Under 12 / Under 14 / Under 18 / Over 18. Age calculation is as of 13.03.2011
Proof of Age: Copy of an official document showing the date of birth, e.g. student’s report book, passport, student ID card, FIDE application, health insurance card, etc. (please do not submit actual documents; Xerox copies will suffice)
07.00 – 07.45 Registration (Late registration will result in a 1st Round forfeit)
08.00 – 09.00 Round 1
09.00 – 10.15 Round 2
10.15 – 11.30 Round 3
11.30 – 12.30 Lunch (buffet; free for players)
12.30 – 13.45 Round 4
13.45 – 15.00 Round 5
15.00 – 16.15 Round 6
16.30 − 17:00 Closing ceremony
Entry fees: (walk-in) THB700 (child/adult)
(online OR advance) THB500/THB600 (child/adult)
Application: Application opens 06.02.2011 / in the Gainsfield School Tournament. Apply with EEE, Jirapak, Srapong (081-4844586), Panisa; and via e-mail.
- Online or advance registration is to be considered completed only after all relevant documents have been received.
- Due to the high rental rates of hotel facility, slightly high entry fees are unavoidable. We ask for your understanding on this matter.
- Hot drinks & refreshments will be served during Round 4-6
- In case of a late-start in the Adult category, competition time in Round 6 may be reduced to 25/10 Bronstein.
- Due to the need to conclude the event on time, we request your cooperation to be punctual. Adherence to planned schedule will be enforced strictly.
Assumption Team Chess Championship 2010
All are invited to join the Assumption Team Chess Championship 2010 to be held at the Shinawatra University, Lard Lum Khaew, Pathum Thani, during 15th-18th October 2010 [See map attached]. Free lodgings (3 beds per 1 room) are provided for the entire 25 min. + 10 sec. rapid-game tournament of 3/4-member/team. No entry fee. Prizes are beautiful trophy + medal for the winner and medals for the first and the second runner-ups. Kindly send your confirmation and/or application form by email to Khun Poompat Sivara at or to Khun Panupand at Anyone who wishes to play but cannot yet find his/her team members are advised to contact Khun Poompat or Khun Panupand for further assistance in this regard. There will be a minibus service at the cost of Baht 50.00 per trip per person from the Vipavadee Campus to the Shinawatra University at 12.00, 14.00, 16.00, 18.00 and 20.00 hours on Friday 15th October 2010.
Olympiad team returns home tired but successful

The returning Olympiad team were met yesterday at Suvarnabhumi airport by International Arbiter Panupand V. and others, who reported the players were tired but happy.
The Olympiad 2012 will be held in Ankara, Turkey and, it has been announced, 2014 will be inside the arctic circle in Tromsö, Norway – where the sun never sets (at least in July)!