12th BCC Open 2012 Tournament Journal

12th Bangkok Chess Club Open 2012 Tournament Journal

We have created a souvenir tournament journal which you can download free in PDF form here (it’s a 14Mb file, so I hope you have broadband!). There are 86 full-colour pages featuring participants from the Open and Challenger groups, interviews with the top players and more.

Beautiful magazine-style professionally printed versions can be produced to order.

Japanese Red Cross Society “Thank You”

For those who bought BCC Polo Shirts at the 11th BCC Thailand Open, here is the email from the Japanese Red Cross:

Thank you very much for your donation. Attached please find the receipt.
The fund has been helping those who were affected by the earthquake,
tsunami and nuclear power plant disaster in Japan in March, 2011.
We deeply apologize the delay in issuing the receipt but appreciate your
understanding and generous contribution.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Sincerely yours,

Japanese Red Cross Society


Japanese Red Cross receipt (PDF)

GM Nigel Short: The 12th BCC Open 2012 Champion

GM Nigel Short after his game with GM Hou Yifan in Bangkok

An interview with “Moving Target” GM Nigel Short by Alexander J. Klemm

AK: Congratulations: after seven rounds you are in the lead. What are your chances to win the tournament?

NS: I’m in a strong position but winning will require a lot of concentration in the last two games. So far things have been pretty good. My performance has been fantastic. I could not hope for more. I could hope for 100 percent but I’ll take 6.5 points out of seven games any time.

AK: What has been your most interesting game?

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GM Hou Yifan Talks about the BCC Open and Her First Visit to Thailand

GM Hou Yifan with Dr. Alexander Klemm and Kai Tuorila

Interview by Alexander J. Klemm

Shortly after the 12th BCC Open, I talked with Women’s World Champion GM Hou Yifan about her performance and impressions during her first-time visit to Thailand.

AK: Let’s talk about the tournament. How did it go for you?

HY: At the beginning I played decently, but then, after half of the tournament the schedule changed from two to one game per day. Somehow that was bad for me. In round six I actually had a lost position [win with white against German FM Martin Voigt], in another game I blundered, and in my last game I also didn’t play well [draw with black against Filipino Sander Severino].

AK: Is there a game that you are very satisfied with?

HY: Maybe the third one [win with black against Iranian GM Shojaat Ghane].

AK: How did you prepare for the tournament and each game?

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GM Jan Gustafsson on Bangkok and being Number 2 woman player in the world

Grandmasters Jan Gustafsson and Hou Yifan playing blitz on the rooftop of Bangkok's Dusit Thani Hotel

Interview by Alexander J. Klemm

During the 12th Bangkok Chess Club Open I met up with last year’s champion GM Jan Gustafsson from Germany to talk about chess, his hometown Hamburg, the Bangkok Open, his impressions of Thailand, and much more.

AK: Congratulations, Jan, your German team OSG Baden-Baden has just won the league title. How does that make you feel and what is the success strategy of your club?

JG: Yes, I’ve read the news online. I can’t take much of the credit but it always feels good to win something. In general, having the strongest players is a good start if you want to win the league. Because of the generous sponsoring of Grenkeleasing [a German incorporation], Baden-Baden is in a situation in which we can afford having Anand and Carlson – even though he didn’t play well – and there are more strong players such as Bacrot, Naiditsch, Svidler, Shirov, and others. So I can’t say it’s a big surprise that we have won the title, but it’s still nice. Bremen put up a fight. It was a close match two rounds ago.

AK: Based on your impressive score of 6.5 points out of 8 games in the German league, do you think your club will ask you to play more often, or is the competition within the team simply too high?

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