August 15, 2010 at Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Pattanakarn Rd.
Programme for Chess Players
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Programme for Non-Chess Players
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Venue: 12m x 19m Exhibition 33mx19m
Live Internet Broadcast (sensor board): Live broadcast (on the Internet) of the 1st Board(of each competition level) of each round (using DGT board) and live (real-time) games are also available in the exhibition area.
Chess Game Comments: Comments on the 1st board of each competition level are available.
Standard Tournament: Venue is decorated up to a standard chess tournament. Only standard equipment is used in the game. Any communication devices are not allowed in the venue. All chess comments will be done at the exhibition area.
Lunch and Drinks: Free lunch and drinks* for players
*We only provide water and cocoa-flavoured dairy drink. You may want to bring your own soft drinks or juices.
Security Notice: For security reason, only authorized person (chess players, authorized parents, organizers and authorized visitors) will be allowed in the tournament. For a very young chess player, we recommend that they should not leave the venue without their parent.
*This schedule may change without prior notice.
Chess Sets, Chess Pieces, Boards, Software and Clocks (for sale at reasonable and affordable price)
Refreshments: Free for competitors